Tuesday, January 04, 2005

My Tahoe has been in the shop since monday morning getting the hail damage fixed that it recieved back in June. So in turn, I have been driving my Ol' 88 Chevy Silverado single cab long bed pick-up truck. This truck was my first car and fortunately(and unfortunately) i have been able to keep it along with my other car. I use it for my mowing business that i operate during the nicer times of the year. But, its really not a very useful car just for driving, which i do a lot of for my other job. This truck has been to hell and back, i really couldn't count how many time it has been in the shop to be fixed for things that most people wouldn't think could go wrong with a car(atleast i have never had a wreck in it). But anyways, i'm trying to get to the fact that I really can not stand driving this car. I don't know what it is that i am missing most about my tahoe: either its the ease of driving, or its my XM radio. It would be safe to say that it is both. If yall have not listened to XM, then you should, and then you should purchase it because it is the best thing out there (Forget Sirius, i think it sucks, just look at the number of subscribers of XM compared to Sirius(sorry Howard Stern, you made the wrong decision, but best of luck)). Well, im headed home cause i can't stand this heat that is coming straight down on the back of my neck here in my office. What is it, like 80 degrees in here?

oh yea........ Orange Bowl is tonight - OU24 : USC 20
or maybe i should just say: Orange Bowl Champion - OU - Im not good at predicting scores, just games.


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