Sunday, February 20, 2005


The Daytona 500 is today, Whoop-de-doo!
I still can't understand the fascination with this "sport," it ranks right up there with golf in my opinion. I would actually have to say that I like golf compared to this other thing known as Nascar. I don't know how people could actually sit and watch every single one of these laps and be interested in every single one of these laps. I have tried to sit and watch it, but I'd rather do homework than put my self through the pain of Nascar. I heard CNN say the other day that Nascar is the most watched sport in the U.S. these days. There are two things wrong with that statement: First, it is the most boring, unathletic "sport" around; Second, what in the world is CNN doing covering Nascar(well, we all know its to try and bring more people to CNN). I'll finish with this before I go back to my homework - Nascar sucks, and people who like it suck too!


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