Sunday, April 03, 2005

Blah -

So, Tonight a couple of my friends and I were at Hastings just messing around and looking for a movie. Once we found a movie, Employee of the Month(dencent, interesting, worth checking out), we were in the check out line and I got me some candy. My friend Blake was searching for something to get also and he found this, something called Salted Plums, made by Snackerz. Anyways, as we went out to the car, I saw another one of my friends and I went to talk to him. Blake and Justin were all ready in my car and had sampled one of these plums. So when i got in the car blake handed me one and said it was really good, being the trusting friend that i am i tried one, it was pure salt. Blake had already had one and puked by the time i got back to the car, he just hadn't told me how horrible they were. I don't know why it was in the candy section, and i don't know why anyone would ever eat such a thing, but, incase you are see some and wander if they are any good, well, they are horrible and not worth the taste test. (oh, by the way, on the back of the package under the nutritional facts, it said that one serving was 6 plums, and one serving had 5700 mg of sodium(and each package had like 30 in it))

The whole incident reminded me of when Kyle Wade was trying to prove a point in a devotional back in high school and offered anyone 20 dollars to drink a whole glass of salt(in a certain time, like 5 mins or something). Well, Austin Brennen, pulling off one of his great Austinisms, took him up on it. Austin did it in the time period, and I think he barely made it to the bathroom. I just remember him returning like 30 minutes later with sunglasses on and not saying a word. Somehow all that salt made his eyes go completely bloodshot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those salted plums are a thing from places like Arizona and that area. I actually have a friend whose family is from there, and she loves them. No one else that we hang out with can handle them. So I guess it just depends on where you grew up as to if you like stuff like that.

Monday, April 04, 2005 8:09:00 AM  

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