Thursday, September 22, 2005


So, tomorrow my parents and I are flying down to Dallas for a one day adventure to meet and greet my new "Ulcerative Colitis Specialist." I really am excited because of the good stories I have heard about this doctor, and because I am tired of suffering, or atleast tired of the high dosages of drugs (mainly the steroids). Hopefully this hurrican will not affect our time down there, and I don't think it will until after we are supposed to fly out. I am hoping that this doctor will give me good news and allow for me to start some new treatments/drugs, but I am not to concerned with bad news since its not really a life or death matter. I know that I have told some of you that I wouldn't be needing to go see a specialist until it came to the point of not knowing what to do next, well, this is that point and I am ready for it...
Recently, new drugs have been aproved and the future is brighter than before for this disease. Also, one of my fine educational advisors at WTAMU told me the other day to just smoke some pot and it will cure me of all my ills. Now, if I was a pot head, I would, but against the advice of this professional idiot, I have a life and have chose to never smoke the crap, and never will unless a doctor forces me to, and in that case I will delight in it :)

In other news, A&M better beat the hell outta Texas State tonight.


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