this just in...
Yeah, its not my medicine (at least i hope not, i don't know what i would do with out it, anyways...) my end of the semester procrastination has taken my day over and i'll officially stop my homework for the night. i had planned on finishing up an entire class all in one day, but i'll have to do that in the morning i guess, and then start my 10-12 page research paper after would think that human resource management would sound like an interesting class to take..but its really not and i don't know why i would need a class such as this. not that i know what i want to do with my life, but i definitely know that i don't want to be a human resource manager/or anything to do with it (sorry Casey__your job must really suck at the hospital, but i know you like it so i wont knock you anymore) . this semester has been really well for me, so at least i can say that before i go and hide behind my computer for the next couple of days. my goal is to have this paper finished by sunday. I will have this paper finished by sunday, i will, i promise myself. I can do it, and i don't want to put it off any longer. I hate the fact that a paper is weighted so much and it really just proves how well you can research something. i know that sometimes i can prove my intelligence in other ways, but professors choose to be really stupid and assign these massive projects and then probably don't read them.
Anyway, i'm babbling really bad right now. But I'll say this, sometimes music just soothes your soul, or your mind, whatever you want to say. BUT, sometimes it just hits the spot, no matter how many times you have heard a certain song or if its brand new, it can take you away and make you not think about things that you don't want to be thinking about or whatever, anyways...i'm in that mode right now, the one where i am just chillin with the iTunes library open and on random, its awesome...RB

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