Monday, January 23, 2006

So I was watching the lecture series that President Bush was speaking at this afternoon at Kansas State University and one question really caught my eye and I thought it would be funny to write about while I try to dodge doing my homework a little bit more even though I know that I have a very busy night ahead of me with 24 and working out and all (that is a definition of a run on sentence I think). Anyways, Bush was standing up on stage answering all types of questions about all types of things and one girl who was from somewhere in central America had that microphone and began to ask a question. You could tell that Bush was having a very hard time trying to determine just what the question was exactly because she had a very strong Spanish accent and really wasn't making much sense and just kept rambling on about something. It turns out that she was asking about border security and immigration policy. I just found it pretty ironic that here is a girl that can barely speak any English and she is worried about our border and our policy towards people just like her. Well, hope I didn't offend anyone by this little post, but if I did, too bad. I really need to do this homework, its going to be a crazy semester and this is just the beginning of dominating 19 hours.


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