So I'm enjoying a little time off during my "2006 Spring Wedding/Reception Binge," I guess that's a good name for it. In case you are wandering what I mean by that, I have already been to two, got one more event at 7 tonight.
Its been a busy day, in fact, a busy week, and an even more busy month. I mowed 8 yards this morning in 3.5 hours, that was fun. But, school has kept me so busy that its basically engulfed my life. I'm glad that I already have 2 turned in, but 2 more this week and one the next. I'm shooting for a 4.0 while taking 19 hours, which would be great, but I'm not sure if it will happen. But, all I know is that this semester is my toughest one yet, and to be in the 4.0 range is great. Anyways, has anyone noticed the Rangers lately? They are doing alright, and are in first place today!, that better last a while. Also, the Mavs are playing tomorrow and I really hope they win, and then beat the spurs, and then win the finals, that would be great. So, I'll be back later, with more pictures hopefully, but, I'm tired and bet that I don't post tonight. LATER

lookin' sharp in the suit, reid :)
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