Monday, August 22, 2005


I'm am back at work today. i missed 4 days last week, 2 because i was in the hospital. anyways, i'm supposed to go to dallas sometime this week to see a Ulcerative Colitis specialist. there is another guy who graduated from high school with me who has the same problem and he went and saw the same person a year ago and he has been fixed, so hopefully that will happen with me.

something random --- has anyone seen those new burger king commercials for the chicken fries? i mean seriously, what are they trying to do with those ads? they are weird and they don't make any sense and quite frankly, the chickens are scary to look at(almost like they copied the dudes from slipknot or something). but anyways, i guess it grabs my attention and makes me want some chicken fries, but then again, i'm starving for anything right now due to my high drug level intake. one more thing and then i'm done, how come when your numb you scratch at yourself so much? ("I got so high, I scratched till i bled..."), i've been dealing with that as of late during the nights, its like i'm either sweating the night away or awake scratching at something.....weird.


Blogger Carissa said...

Good to hear you're out of the hospital. Still prayin for ya.

Monday, August 22, 2005 8:07:00 PM  

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