I promised myself, and you the reader, that I would be finished with my paper by Sunday evening. Well, Saturday I was down in the computer lab at WT from 1 till about 5 and I got a ton done, but didn't write that much. Today, or I guess yesterday now, I again spent the majority of my day down there. From 3 till just before midnight I was down there toiling away on my Human Resource management paper. I wrote nearly 11 pages and its basically done. I know this sounds stupid for myself to be bragging about something like this, but I am truly proud of how I was able to set a goal and actually finish it time. I don't think I'll be doing this again though, I probably should start earlier in the semester next time (since I'm taking a similar class next semester with the same professor (Compensation Administration Management, YES!)). But, it feels so good to get this done and know that it doesn't have to be turned in until Wednesday. And, well, I am basically done with this semester....aww.
In other news...Has the bird flu hit Amarillo?
In other news...Has the bird flu hit Amarillo?

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