So, I know that I promised a recap of my trip out to California, hoping it would be finished by tonight, but I didn't get around to it, I got sidetracked by something called "ironing." I had never really heard of that concept before, but because of certain circumstances, I have been introduced to it this summer. Anyways, I'll get it out sooner or later. First, because my final semester begins tomorrow, I want to share some statistics from my spring semester -
Last semester I took 19 hours.
I made six A's, one B.
that's a GPA of 3.842.
It was by far my toughest semester and yet my most successful semester, EVER.
16 of my 19 hours were upper level class, with 7 of the 16 being senior level classes.
I absolutely busted my tail and here are some crazy numbers to prove that....
From all of my homework and projects/papers, I typed:
107 Pages
54,462 Words (that's 255,166 characters)
1,208 Paragraphs
So why do I want to share this information? I start my final semster tomorrow. I have the easiest semester that I have ever registered for, and I am going to get a 4.0. Its also important to inform you that 2 years ago I was threatened to be kicked out of the school of business, and was put on academic suspension. Why was I put on academic suspension? Because I was put on academic probation the semester before that one and didn't improve my grades sufficiently to meet the standards of the school of business. Once I was threatened to be kicked out, I got my act into gear and have improved every semester. Its also important to mention something that really helped me out. I know I've mentioned it before but, CONCERTA works. Anyways, 4.0 here I come! Human Sexuality...Here I Come!

(This is part of the view of Tanner's backyard)
Congratulations on the grades Belly, sounds like the hard work paid off. Good luck on the 4.0, you can do it. Elbow Up.
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