So anyways, that was my horoscope for today. CRAZY once again how it is exactly how my day was. I turned in (early) one of my projects today that I had been working on since march 13 (yes, that was spring break) and was a great feeling. It was over 7,000 words, which really sucked. And, I also turned in a rather huge 19 page project today. Well, I guess I better update the countdown: 4 down, 1 to do, 6 more nice and easy days to go!
Monday, April 24, 2006
"You've been working on something big for a while and today your efforts could reach critical mass. You may be forced to make a decision, knowing that none of the options will bring you exactly what you want. This is not about taking the easy way out. Rather, it's that no simple choice will completely fix the complex circumstances of your life."
So anyways, that was my horoscope for today. CRAZY once again how it is exactly how my day was. I turned in (early) one of my projects today that I had been working on since march 13 (yes, that was spring break) and was a great feeling. It was over 7,000 words, which really sucked. And, I also turned in a rather huge 19 page project today. Well, I guess I better update the countdown: 4 down, 1 to do, 6 more nice and easy days to go!
So anyways, that was my horoscope for today. CRAZY once again how it is exactly how my day was. I turned in (early) one of my projects today that I had been working on since march 13 (yes, that was spring break) and was a great feeling. It was over 7,000 words, which really sucked. And, I also turned in a rather huge 19 page project today. Well, I guess I better update the countdown: 4 down, 1 to do, 6 more nice and easy days to go!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
So I'm enjoying a little time off during my "2006 Spring Wedding/Reception Binge," I guess that's a good name for it. In case you are wandering what I mean by that, I have already been to two, got one more event at 7 tonight.
Its been a busy day, in fact, a busy week, and an even more busy month. I mowed 8 yards this morning in 3.5 hours, that was fun. But, school has kept me so busy that its basically engulfed my life. I'm glad that I already have 2 turned in, but 2 more this week and one the next. I'm shooting for a 4.0 while taking 19 hours, which would be great, but I'm not sure if it will happen. But, all I know is that this semester is my toughest one yet, and to be in the 4.0 range is great. Anyways, has anyone noticed the Rangers lately? They are doing alright, and are in first place today!, that better last a while. Also, the Mavs are playing tomorrow and I really hope they win, and then beat the spurs, and then win the finals, that would be great. So, I'll be back later, with more pictures hopefully, but, I'm tired and bet that I don't post tonight. LATER

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
what kind of a sick coicidence is this? the two Duke players charged with rape share the same names as me.... Reade, Collin
Of course, naming your kid Reid is a good thing, thats almost expected these days, but when you spell it "Reade," things like this are going to happen. I mean, at least the family from my church who named their recently born son after me got it some what right, Collin Reid S_____. Infact, I was even named after someone named Reid, hes my cousin, (BLAKE!)
Of course, naming your kid Reid is a good thing, thats almost expected these days, but when you spell it "Reade," things like this are going to happen. I mean, at least the family from my church who named their recently born son after me got it some what right, Collin Reid S_____. Infact, I was even named after someone named Reid, hes my cousin, (BLAKE!)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
So i hope everyone had a good Easter. I did, we had 13 people over to eat and it was all delicious. Well, i just gotta keep telling myself...Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks Two more weeks........and it will all be over...... 
in the mean time, i'll keep going crazy over this school work, its like i can't even enjoy sitting down without thinking about school work. I'm sure i'm not alone in this, many people have done school work like this before or are in the same boat right now...i'lll be alright, just needed to vent a little....have a good week, or two?

again with the calvin an hobbes, whats the deal with this?

in the mean time, i'll keep going crazy over this school work, its like i can't even enjoy sitting down without thinking about school work. I'm sure i'm not alone in this, many people have done school work like this before or are in the same boat right now...i'lll be alright, just needed to vent a little....have a good week, or two?

again with the calvin an hobbes, whats the deal with this?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
school work is killing me, i'm starting to count down the days until may 1st, its the last day i have something due. in the meantime, i have one speech, one powerpoint presentation, one single spaced 10-15 page paper, one 20 page group project, one 10-12 page double spaced paper due. my life is going to suck for the next three weeks, but i can get through it, i have to, i'm going to see the rangers smash the yankees may 6th, and then i come back in town for my finals, and then i move into my house. if you don't think i'm a tad bit busy, please stop reading my blog...jk, but seriously, have yourself a good week....

and if your wondering why i keep posting these calvin and hobbes cartoons, well, they use to be the only thing i would read growing up, i love the sarcasms, the life lessons, the attitude, and the pure genius humor of calvin and his beloved hobbes. when i signed up for my gmail account from google, i realized that you can personalize it with whatever you want and i found a calvin and hobbes module. but if you want to, you too can also see calvin daily or even get it in your email daily...

and if your wondering why i keep posting these calvin and hobbes cartoons, well, they use to be the only thing i would read growing up, i love the sarcasms, the life lessons, the attitude, and the pure genius humor of calvin and his beloved hobbes. when i signed up for my gmail account from google, i realized that you can personalize it with whatever you want and i found a calvin and hobbes module. but if you want to, you too can also see calvin daily or even get it in your email daily...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
These are right up my alley...
Once again, I'm not a big believer in these things, but sometimes it can be weird how they fit you life...
It may feel as if you have run out of time, but this is just an illusion. You do have responsibilities that are building and the sooner you take care of them, the easier it will be for all involved. Keep in mind that your moods are still in flux until the Moon leaves your sign midday. It's better now to listen to logic than to act on a changing whim.
Thursday, April 6, 2006
It may feel as if you have run out of time, but this is just an illusion. You do have responsibilities that are building and the sooner you take care of them, the easier it will be for all involved. Keep in mind that your moods are still in flux until the Moon leaves your sign midday. It's better now to listen to logic than to act on a changing whim.
Thursday, April 6, 2006